FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions
FAQs from the web
- BIG listing for the newsgroups! News group faqs that you will unfortunately have to sift thru' but I'm not going to post each and every one of the newsgroup faq's here when there is prolly like 20 or so.
- alt.pagan newsgroup faq (I'm not going to post them ALL just a few.. lol)
- alt.folklore.herbs
- alt.magick
- alt.meditation
- alt.dreams.lucid
- alt.dreams
- alt.religion.wicca
- alt.religion.gnostic
- soc.culture.celtic
- BIG Page of nordic mythology, alt.culture.nordic
- soc.religion.shamanism
- soc.religion.shamanism-overview different from above link
- A Celtic Paganism faq
- handfasting faq
- Mideaval and Ren. handfasting faq
- Hinduism FAQ
- Santeria Faq
- Religio Romana Roman Religion
- Hellenic Paganism
- Asatru Folk Assembly Nordic paganism faq
- Soliltary Druid Practitioner FAQ
- Witchvox.com's faq
- Kemeticism/Egyptian Paganism FAQ
- alt.religion druid
Feel free to look at the links page and utiliize the search engines to your advantave if you didn't find your answer here..
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