Sacred Animals to the Celts
- Bear: Associated with Royalty esp. in Scotland. Also King Arthur, and Shamanic Celtic Traditions. "Art" in Celtic Myth means Bear.
- Birds: Transitions of Death
- Boar: Masculine power, and served at otherworld feasts for the deities.
- Bull: Virility, sovereignty, and wealth.
- Butterfly: Reincarnation myth and Deities.
- Cat: The Celts did not revere cats, but there are many references to them in Celtic Myth.
- Cow: Principal livestock animal for the Celts. So there were many deities whose animal was represented by the Cow.
- Crane: Change, deception.
- Crow: Death or Crone Goddesses.
- Deer/Stag: Main animal that the Celts hunted. The White Stag was associated with the Otherworld.
- Dog: Sacred to Faeries of Ireland and Scotland, shapeshifters.
- Eagle: Death Gods, polar opposite to the Crow for Death Goddesses
- Horse: The night, the moon, mystery.
- Ouzel: Tenacious and deceptive bird, defensive bird defending his flock.
- Owl: Wisdom, mystery
- Ram: Fertility Gods and associated with Bealtaine.
- Raven: Similar to the Crow, and eagle but to both Gods and Goddesses. Asociated with the God Bran.
- Salmon: Knowledge, mysteries, deep emotion.
- Serpent: Cycle of life, phallic symbol, and the Triple Goddess, and of Earth Mysteries.
- Sow: Associated with some Crone and Mother Goddesses, Symbol of plenty, healing, and shapeshifting.
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