My Personal Grimoire
Important Stuff
- Pagan Wheel of the Year No it's not an award, it's the symbolic way to express the Pagan Holidays.
- Which is what? A section dedicated to answering elements vs. elementals, and evoke vs. invoke, and other common questions of the sort..
- Sacred Numbers in the Celtic Pagan Tradition.
- Sacred Animals in the Celtic Pagan Tradition.
- Herbal: Herbs and their correspondences
- Gems and Crystals: Useful list of practical gems and crystals and their correspondences.
- Colors: Colors and their correspondences, for use with candles, cords, etc
- Moons: Names of the full moons
- Name that Divination Method: Divination Methods and their names (i.e. Pyromancy: Divination with fire, Scrying: Gazing onto a reflective surface etc etc)
Other Areas of Interest
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