The Glossary of Divination Terms
*** NOTE: Some of these are considered barbaric by today's standards and should not be attempted, I have decided to go ahead and include their definitions, but they should not be attempted. Some involve divination with entrails of humans and animals and other cruel practices, and I repeat, they SHOULD NOT be attempted by anyone! ****
- Aeromancy: Divination by atmospheric conditions. The different forms of this are Austromancy, Ceraunoscopy, Chaomancy, and Meteormancy.
- Ailuromancy: Divination from cats
- Alectryomancy: Form of augury, the divination of the eating patterns of chickens.
- Aleuromancy: Divination using slips of paper baked into dough balls, Fortune Cookies.
- Alphitomancy: Using cakes made of wheat or barley flour.
- Antinopomancy: Using the entrails of women and children.
- Arachnomancy: Augury: divination from the appearance and behavior of spiders.
- Arithomancy: Another name for numerology, or numeromancy. Belief that numbers influence our personalities and lives.
- Astragalomancy: Sortiledge using the bones of sheep.
- Astrology: Using stars and planets and signs of the zodiac.
- Augury: Divination based on the appearance and bahavior of animals.
- Austromancy: Form of aeromancy, divination using the wind.
- Axinomancy: Divination using saws.
- Belomancy: Divination by arrows (sortiledge)
- Bibliomancy: Sortiledge divination from books, includes rhapsodomancy, and also called stichomancy.
- Botanomancy: Form of pyromancy- burning leaves and branches.
- Capnomancy: Divination by smoke (pyromancy)
- Carromancy: Using modern playing cards.
- Catoptromancy: Mirror gazing divination
- Catoxtromancy: Looking glasses
- Cattabomancy: Vessels made of metal.
- Causinomancy: Objects cast into fire.
- Cephalomancy: Augury using the divination from the skull or head of a donkey or goat.
- Ceraunoscopy: Thunder and lightning (aeromancy)
- Ceromancy: Melted Wax
- Chaomancy: Aerial visions
- Chartomancy: writing papers
- Chirognomy: Palm reading, also: Chirology, chiromancy, and palmistry.
- Clairaudience: Hearing the future ahead of time.
- Clairvoyance: Seeing the future ahead of time.
- Cleidomancy: Form of radiesthesia, using a suspended key
- Cleromancy: Another name for sortilege
- Coscinomancy: Suspended sieve (Radiesthesia)
- Crithomancy: Markings in freshly baked bread
- Cromniomancy: Divination using onions
- Crystallomancy: Scrying into a crystal ball
- Dactylomancy: Radiesthesia using suspended ring.
- Demonomancy: Suggestions from demons
- Daphnomancy: burning laurel leaves
- Dowsing: Method of divination to find lost things, or locate unknown things, under the Earth.
- Entomomancy: Behavior and appearance of insects
- Gastromancy: sounds of the belly
- Geomancy: Using the earth, rocks, or sand.
- Graphology: Determining person's character by handwriting.
- Gyromancy: divination by rounds or circles.
- Halomancy: Casting salt into a fire
- Haruspicy: Divination using the entrails of animals, one form is hepatoscopy, sometimes considered part of augury.
- Hepatoscopy: Divination using the liver.
- Hippomancy: Divination from horses (not hippos! haha)
- Hydromancy: Scrying into water, Pegomancy.
- I Ching: Ancient Chinese text
- Ichthyomancy: Shape and entrails of fish
- Idolomancy: Divination using idols, images, or figures
- Lampadomancy: Using an oil lamp flame or torch flame.
- Lecanomancy: Using a basin of water
- Lithomancy: Using precious stones
- Livanomancy: Burning frankincense
- Logarithmancy: Divination by logarithms.
- Lychnomancy: Flames of three wax candles
- Macharomancy: Knives and swords
- Metagnomy: Seeing future events in a hypnotic trance.
- Meteormancy: aeromancy, using shooting stars and meteors.
- Metoscopy: Lines on the forehead
- Moleoscopy: Moles on the body.
- Molybdomancy: Molten tin or lead
- Myomancy: Color and movement of mice
- Necromancy: Asking the dead to answer questions; ouija board
- Numerology: Determining personality and lives with numbers.
- Numeromancy: Same as above
- Oenomancy: Augury: Patterns make by wine
- Oinomancy: Divination by wine
- Omphilomancy: Divination by the navel
- Oneiromancy: Using dreams
- Onomatomancy: Using Names
- Onychomancy: Using nails
- Ophiomancy: Augury using color and movement of snakes.
- Oriental Astrology: based on a 12 year cycle, involving 12 animals, but is not based on the movement of the stars or planets.
- Ornithomancy: Flight of birds patterns
- Palmistry: Using the palm of the hand
- Pegomancy: Form of hydromancy using a sacred pool or spring.
- Pessomancy: Sortilege divination by using marked pebbles drawing out of a bag or casting them, also called psephomancy
- Phyllorhodomancy: Rose petals
- Phrenology: bumps on the head
- Physiognomy: Facial features
- Podomancy: Using the feet
- Psephomancy: Sortilege using cast or drawn pebbles
- Precognition: inner paranormal knowledge of the future
- Psychomancy: divination by men's souls, affections, wills, religious or moral dispositions.
- Psychometry: about a specific person usually holding an object that was theirs.
- Pyromancy: Divination using fire
- Pyroscopy: Burning a sheet of paper on a white surface and examining the resulting stains.
- Radiesthesia: Using a pendulum, and can be used in dowsing
- Rhapsodomancy: Form of bibliomancy from a book of poetry
- Roadomancy: By the stars
- Runes: Symbols of an ancient alphabet used for divination
- Scapulomancy: Augury: patterns or cracks and fissures on the burned shoulder blade of an animal
- Sciomancy: Divination by the shadows
- Scrying: gazing onto a reflective surface
- Sideromancy: Form of pyromancy in this case the divination is by casting an odd number of straws onto iron brought into red heat in a fire and reading the patterns formed by the straws, their movements, and the nature of the flames or smoke
- Sortilege: Divination by casting or drawing of lots
- Spatalamancy: Using skin bone or excrement
- Stareomancy: Using the elements
- Sternomancy: Divination using the line from the breast to the belly.
- Stichomancy: Sortilege using books
- Sycomancy: Using figs
- Tasseography: Using tea leaves
- Tephromancy: Patterns formed in the ashes of burnt offerings left to the Gods
- Theomancy: Pretending to divine by the revelation of the words of God
- Theriomancy: By beasts
- Tuphramancy: By ashes
- Tyromancy: Divination from cheese
- Zoomancy: Augury using the appearance and behavior of any animal
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