Recommended Reading Lists
The ADF Recommends
Celtic Studies
- Celtic Myth and Legend Charles Squire
- The Mabinogion Lady Charlotte Guest
- Celtic Myths and Legends T.W. Rolleston
- Glamoury: Magic of the Celtic Green World Steve Blamires
- Pagan Celtic Britain Anne Ross
- Celtic Heritage: Ancient Tradition in Ireland and Wales
Alwyn and Brinley Rees
- Encyclopedia of Celtic Wisdom Caitlin Matthews and John Matthews
- Druids, Gods and Heroes from Celtic Mythology Anne Ross
- The Druids Peter Beresford Ell
- The Druids Stuart Piggott
Nordic Tradtions
- The Poetic Edda Lee M. Hollander, Edda Saemundar, eds.
- Edda Snorri Sturluson, Anthony Faulkes, eds.
- Teutonic Religion: Folk Beliefs and Practices of the Northern Tradition and by the same author:
Teutonic Magic: The Magical and Spiritual Practices of the Germanic Peoples Kveldulf Gundarsson
- Masks of Odin: Wisdom of the Ancient Norse Elsa-Brita Titchenell
- Gods and Myths of Northern Europe H.R. Ellis-Davidson
Hellenic (Greek) Traditions
- Theogony and Works and Days Hesiod, with M. L. West, ed.
- The Iliad and The Odyssey or The Homeric Hymns Homer
- Greek Religion Walter Burkett
Roman Culture
- Romans and Their Gods in the Age of Augustus R.M. Ogilvie
- Dictionary of Roman Religion Leslie and Roy A. Adkins
- Fasti Ovid
Pagan Revival
- Drawing Down the Moon: Witches, Druids, Goddess-Worshippers, and Other Pagans in America Today Margot Adler
- Real Magic Isaac Bonewits
- Phoenix From the Flame: Pagan Spirituality in the Western World
Vivianne Crowley
Other Recommendations
Scott Cunningham
- The Truth About Witchcraft Today Inexpensive little book that gets down to the nitty gritty about modern Wicca. Good to give a friend who is interested in what you are doing! lol
- Wicca: A Guide For the Solitary Practitioner First book of Cunninham's in the Tradition of Wicca for the individual wanting to become a practitioner.
- Living Wicca Cunningham's sequel to the above book.
- Earth Power Magick using the elements
- Earth, Air, Fire Water Sequel to the above
- Incense, Oils, and Brews A recipe book of sorts, good hints.
- Crystal Gem and Metal Magic properties and correspondences.
- Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs big listing of herbs and their properties within magick
- Magickal Household Turn your abode into a magickal place.
Silver Ravenwolf
- To Ride a Silver Broomstick This is the only one I really recommend, her others aren't as good as the first.
Paul Beryl
- The Master Book of Herbalism Very very good book. Magickal and medicnal properties of herbs.
Susun S. Weed
- Wise Woman Herbal: Healing Wise Susun explores the wonderful medicinal properties of WEEDS, yes WEEDS. I especially love the dandelion section. Written as if the weed is speaking.
Laurie Cabot
- Power of the Witch The Earth, The Moon, and the magickal path to enlightenment.
- Celebrate the Earth A year of holidays in the Pagan Tradition.
Other Authors, anything by them
- Janet and Stewart Ferrar
- Gerald Gardner
- Starhawk Author of Spiral Dance
- Raymond Buckland Especially: The Complete Book of Witchcraft
- Doreen Valiente Garder's HPS
- Margret Murray
Check out Imbas's Reading list Imbas is a Celtic Reconstructionist web page, a very good site!
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